Website Audit - B2C Quoting Platform UX/UI Auditing

A strategic UX audit conducted prior to a substantial traffic ramp-up plan, ensuring optimal utilization of investment


  1. Strategic UX audit conducted prior to a substantial traffic ramp-up plan
  2. Analyzing the user flow to create an intuitive experience for both homeowner and contractor customers
  3. Delivering a UX/UI audit to formulate hypotheses aimed at improving conversions and enhancing retention rates


The website has minimal user data captured through Google Analytics, lacking essential metrics such as user journey tracking, bounce rate, click rate, customer personas, heat maps, questionnaires, or support ticket data. Please note, user interviews and tests are not included within the scope of this audit.


The chosen methodology for the audit is Nielsen’s heuristic evaluation, known for providing actionable insights based on established rules of thumb in the UX discipline.

User Flow Audit:

Define Problem:

If contractor customers are directed to the Homepage, the first action wanted the contractor customer do is to click on the “For Pros” button to proceed the process. However, it is not intuitive to understand instantly. Alternative text recommended are “Join as Pro”, “Join as Partner” & “Become a Pro”.


The text is changed to “Contractor Signup” which is more intuitive to the target audience and where to look for. It also added more information to help trouble-shooting.

What is next?

When potential critical areas in the website are identified through heuristic evaluation, it’s beneficial to validate these findings with users. Employing unmoderated usability testing or interviews can help confirm the severity of identified issues.

Combining moderated testing with interviews is considered a best practice as it provides comprehensive insights. This approach enables the identification of issues that might not be immediately apparent, offering a deeper understanding of user experiences and potential concerns.

Contact me to see sample report and get your quote today

Great communication. Highly flexible with the feedbacks of design. Delivered on time. Pleasure to work with.

Tim G.

Cowbird Coffee Roasters






Real Estate, B2C project management platform

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